Top 50 Young Billionaires Under 45 In 2021

Vidello Productions
20 min readSep 23, 2021

These 45 Young Billionaires in 2021 are at the forefront of the lifestyle in rich and famous circles with them spending billions on houses, cars, yachts and planes!

50. Kylie Jenner

The youngest billionaire on the 2019 billionaire list, Kylie Jenner is a self-made billionaire who started selling lip kits for just $29 in 2015.

Those sales soon built up and today, at just 21 years old, she is worth around $1 Billion dollars.

Having gained 177 million social media followers she owns some impressive real estate including a $6 million dollar home in the Hidden Hills of California and a Calabasas property, now sold, for another $6 million dollars.

She has a distribution deal with beauty retail company Ultra and managed to shift over $55 million dollars worth of products in just one week!

49. Alexandra Andresen



Vidello Productions

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